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CNIPA Deputy Commissioner Lead Delegation to Singapore for INTA's 2023 Annual Meeting and TM5 Meetings


The 2023 International Trademark Association (INTA) Annual Meeting and the Five Trademark Offices (TM5) meetings on cooperation were held in Singapore recently. Lu Pengqi, Deputy Commissioner of the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) headed a delegation to the events.

Lu delivered speeches and attended discussions at the sessions including Future of IP in Asia, Dialogues with INTA CEO Etienne Sanz de Acedo and An Up-to-date Review of Trademark Law and Practice in China presented by the China Trademark Association. He also had bilateral conversations with INTA CEO Acedo and President Jomarie Fredericks. The delegation attended a series of activities during the INTA Annual Meeting, contacted and communicated with a wide range of IP professionals, and updated them on the trademark practice, IP reform results and latest developments in China, which presented a good image of China's IP protection and enhanced communication between the CNIPA and IP authorities and professional organizations in other countries.

The CNIPA delegation also participated in the TM5 Midterm Meeting and User Session and seminars, during which the participants discussed the progress of TM5 projects and the next step work, updated users on the latest development of five member offices and held discussions on the theme of evidence for trademark use.

As one of the world's biggest comprehensive international IP meetings, the 2023 INTA Annual Meeting hosted 45 sessions and 10 seminars dedicated to government authorities, attracting over 8,000 government officials, experts, attorneys and corporate counsels from over 140 countries to the meetings and 145 organizations to the exhibitions. CNIPA principals responsible for the International Cooperation Department and the Trademark Office also attended the meetings as members of the delegation.(Translated from CNIPA Website Chinese Version)


Source:China National Intellectual Property Administration 

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